Jan 27, 2010

All Hail Craigslist!

Hello, my name is Kristi and I'm a craigslist.com junkie. I swear I spend hours at that website on a daily basis. I could probably MAKE half the stuff I look at in the "free" section just in the time I spend drooling over it! :) For those who have completely no idea what I'm talking about: first, I pity you; second, why haven't you been to craigslist.com? It's like a big online garage sale but has more than other people's junk. Ok, it does have a lot of junk, but isn't junk really in the eye of the beholder? People can also post job listings, real estate, businesses, etc. The San Francisco area's section is by far the largest, but there are probably a few gems in your area, too. So, check 'em out!!I have to brag about my latest dazzling deal! I've been wanting and searching and dreaming and wishing and hoping for a water fountain for my backyard since April. Little did I know that fulfilling my dreams could also make me money$$. I found this fountain (see photo) on craigslist.com for $50!! It's over 6 ft tall and I can climb in and sit in the bottom tier! It works beautifully, too. The owners said the over 30 people emailed them about it. Miraculously, I was the first to respond to the ad so I had first dibs. It took 4 of us to move it in pieces since it's solid stone. Anyway, to make my really long story short - I recently found the EXACT SAME one at a garden store for $1,499.00!!! I am so positive that I could easily resell this heavy beauty and make a few hundred dollars! Cha-ching! But I won't. I like bragging about it far too much. :)

UPDATE: this fountain was a little too big for the space intended in my backyard, so I reposted it on craigslist and sold it for $250!! Whoo-hoo!

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